Star Wars: The Clone Wars

{{ valor_estrellas }} / 10.0
  • By
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  • 2008-2020
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Star Wars: The Clone Wars animación
Episodes: /{{ capitulos_totales }}
Seasons: /{{ volumenes_totales }}
  • Publication Date:

    2008 - 2020

  • Country:

    United States

  • Episodes:


  • Seasons:



Star Wars: The Clone Wars is set during the prequel trilogy era, in the period of three years between Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. The series focuses on the eponymous conflict between the Galactic Republic, which is supported by the Jedi Order, and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, a movement organized by the Sith Lord Count Dooku to unite numerous planetary systems seeking independence from the Republic, against it. Unbeknownst to the galaxy, Darth Sidious, Dooku's secret master, is the one pulling the strings of both sides, as part of his master plan to eliminate the Jedi and gain enough power to create a new governing state under his rule.
    • Alternative Title: Star Wars: The Clone Wars—The Animated Series, Междузвездни войни: Войните на клонираните, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Star Wars: Klonové Války, Star Wars, La Guerre des Clones, Ο πόλεμος των άστρων: Ο πόλεμος των κλώνων, 星球大战:复制战纪, Ratovi Zvijezda: Ratovi Klonova, Star Wars: A Klónok Háborúja, מלחמת הכוכבים: מלחמת המשובטים, Stjörnustríð: Klónastríðin, スター・ウォーズ クローン・ウォーズ, Žvaigždžių Karai: Klonų Karai, Star Wars: La Guerra de los Clones, Gwiezdne Wojny: Wojny Klonów, Звездани ратови: Ратови клонова, Ратови звезда: Ратови клонова, Звёздные войны: Войны Клонов, Star Wars: Klonové Vojny, Star Wars: Klon Savaşları, 星際大戰:複製人之戰, Зоряні війни: Війни клонів, Star Wars: The Clone Wars—The Lost Missions, Star Wars: The Clone Wars—The Final Season, Star Wars: The Clone Wars—Rise of the Bounty Hunters, Star Wars: The Clone Wars—Secrets Revealed, Star Wars: The Clone Wars—Battle Lines, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, The Clone Wars, La Guerra de las Galaxias: La Guerra de los Clones, Звездные войны. Эпизод 2: Атака клонов, Stars Wars Las guerras clon, Star Wars - La Guerra Dei Cloni, Star Wars - The Clone Wars, Star Wars : La Guerre des Clones, حرب النجوم - حرب المستنسخين, The Clone Wars Movie

    • Developed by: Add

    • Produced by: George Lucas, Catherine Winder, Dave Filoni, Josh Rimes, Cary Silver, Caroline Kermel

    • Music by: Kevin Kiner

    • Production Company: Lucasfilm

  • Viewers:


  • Favorites:

    {{ cantidad_favoritos }}

  • Comments:

    {{ paginacion.total_elementos }}

  • Rating:

    {{ ranking }}

  • Views:


      Star Wars: The Clone Wars animación
    • Synopsis:

      Star Wars: The Clone Wars is set during the prequel trilogy era, in the period of three years between Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. The series focuses on the eponymous conflict between the Galactic Republic, which is supported by the Jedi Order, and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, a movement organized by the Sith Lord Count Dooku to unite numerous planetary systems seeking independence from the Republic, against it. Unbeknownst to the galaxy, Darth Sidious, Dooku's secret master, is the one pulling the strings of both sides, as part of his master plan to eliminate the Jedi and gain enough power to create a new governing state under his rule.

  • Episodes:
      /{{ capitulos_totales }}
  • Seasons:
      /{{ volumenes_totales }}
      • Alternative Title: Star Wars: The Clone Wars—The Animated Series, Междузвездни войни: Войните на клонираните, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Star Wars: Klonové Války, Star Wars, La Guerre des Clones, Ο πόλεμος των άστρων: Ο πόλεμος των κλώνων, 星球大战:复制战纪, Ratovi Zvijezda: Ratovi Klonova, Star Wars: A Klónok Háborúja, מלחמת הכוכבים: מלחמת המשובטים, Stjörnustríð: Klónastríðin, スター・ウォーズ クローン・ウォーズ, Žvaigždžių Karai: Klonų Karai, Star Wars: La Guerra de los Clones, Gwiezdne Wojny: Wojny Klonów, Звездани ратови: Ратови клонова, Ратови звезда: Ратови клонова, Звёздные войны: Войны Клонов, Star Wars: Klonové Vojny, Star Wars: Klon Savaşları, 星際大戰:複製人之戰, Зоряні війни: Війни клонів, Star Wars: The Clone Wars—The Lost Missions, Star Wars: The Clone Wars—The Final Season, Star Wars: The Clone Wars—Rise of the Bounty Hunters, Star Wars: The Clone Wars—Secrets Revealed, Star Wars: The Clone Wars—Battle Lines, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, The Clone Wars, La Guerra de las Galaxias: La Guerra de los Clones, Звездные войны. Эпизод 2: Атака клонов, Stars Wars Las guerras clon, Star Wars - La Guerra Dei Cloni, Star Wars - The Clone Wars, Star Wars : La Guerre des Clones, حرب النجوم - حرب المستنسخين, The Clone Wars Movie
      • Type:Film Status:Finished
      • Developed by: Add
      • Produced by: George Lucas, Catherine Winder, Dave Filoni, Josh Rimes, Cary Silver, Caroline Kermel
      • Music by: Kevin Kiner
      • Production Company: Lucasfilm
      0 {{ cantidad_favoritos }} {{ paginacion.total_elementos }} {{ ranking }} 33
        • {{ ultima_critica.addreview }}

          • {{ ultima_critica.fecha_creacion_corta }}
            • {{ ultima_critica.controlador==1?ultima_critica.cantidad_comic_usuario:ultima_critica.cantidad_animaciones_usuario }}
            • {{ ultima_critica.mgusta }}
  • {{ ultima_critica.usuario_creo_lista }}

    {{ ultima_critica.chapter }}

    {{ ultima_critica.chapter!='1'?'Chapters read':'Capítulo leídoCapítulo leído' }}

    {{ ultima_critica.chapter!='1'?'Episodes watched':'Episode seen' }}

    {{ ultima_critica.fecha_creacion_corta }}

    {{ ultima_critica.addreview }}

    {{ ultima_critica.controlador==1?ultima_critica.cantidad_comic_usuario:ultima_critica.cantidad_animaciones_usuario }}

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      • Post actualizado {{ comentario.tiempo_transcurrido_actualizacion }}
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  • Datasource:
  • TMDB