Kaze no Naka no Shoujo: Kinpatsu no Jeanie

{{ valor_estrellas }} / 10.0
Kaze no Naka no Shoujo: Kinpatsu no Jeanie animación
Episodes: /{{ capitulos_totales }}
Seasons: /{{ volumenes_totales }}
  • Kaze no Naka no Shoujo: Kinpatsu no Jeanie 


    Ryou Yasumura
  • Publication Date:

    oct 15, 1992 - set 30, 1993

  • Country:


  • Episodes:


  • Seasons:



The story begins in a small town, Pennsylvania in 1838. Jeanie MacDowell is a cheerful and beautiful girl with light brown hair. Jeanie enjoys playing the piano and loves taking piano lessons from her mother. Steven, a good harmonica player, and Bill, a black boy who is very good at playing the banjo, are great friends of Jeanie's. They enjoy playing music together like a small band. However, Jeanie's happy life changes dramatically after her mother suddenly passes away. Experiencing many difficulties and learning the importance of life, she decides to devote her life to helping many people suffering from illness. This series is a highly emotional love story about the relationship between young Stephen Foster, who later becomes a famous composer and author of children's songs, and young Jeanie MacDowell, who becomes Stephen Foster's wife.
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      Kaze no Naka no Shoujo: Kinpatsu no Jeanie animación
      • Kaze no Naka no Shoujo: Kinpatsu no Jeanie by Ryou Yasumura
        • Publication Date: oct 15, 1992 - set 30, 1993
        • Country: Japan
        • Episodes: 52 Seasons: 0
    • Synopsis:

      The story begins in a small town, Pennsylvania in 1838. Jeanie MacDowell is a cheerful and beautiful girl with light brown hair. Jeanie enjoys playing the piano and loves taking piano lessons from her mother. Steven, a good harmonica player, and Bill, a black boy who is very good at playing the banjo, are great friends of Jeanie's. They enjoy playing music together like a small band. However, Jeanie's happy life changes dramatically after her mother suddenly passes away. Experiencing many difficulties and learning the importance of life, she decides to devote her life to helping many people suffering from illness. This series is a highly emotional love story about the relationship between young Stephen Foster, who later becomes a famous composer and author of children's songs, and young Jeanie MacDowell, who becomes Stephen Foster's wife.

  • Episodes:
      /{{ capitulos_totales }}
  • Seasons:
      /{{ volumenes_totales }}
      • Original title: 風の中の少女 金髪のジェニー
      • Gender: Drama
      • Created by: Add
      • Directed by: Ryou Yasumura Ryou Yasumura, Ryou Yasumura, Ryou Yasumura
      • Music by: Carmelo Carucci, Carmelo Carucci, Carmelo Carucci, Carmelo Carucci Cristina D'Avena, Cristina D'Avena, Cristina D'Avena, Cristina D'Avena Mitsuko Horie, Mitsuko Horie, Mitsuko Horie, Mitsuko Horie Frédérique Hoschédé, Frédérique Hoschédé, Frédérique Hoschédé, Frédérique Hoschédé Mitsuko Shiramine, Mitsuko Shiramine, Mitsuko Shiramine, Mitsuko Shiramine Alessandra Valeri Manera Alessandra Valeri Manera, Alessandra Valeri Manera, Alessandra Valeri Manera
      • Alternative Title: Kaze no Naka no Shoujo: Kinpatsu no Jeanie, Kaze no Naka no Shoujo Kinpatsu no Jenii, Fiocchi di cotone per Jeanie, Jeanie With The Light Brown Hair, Girl in the Wind: Jeanie with the Light Brown Hair, Jeannie, 風の中の少女 金髪のジェニー
      • Type:TV Series Status:Finished
      • Developed by: Add
      • Produced by: Shunichi Kosao
      • Production Company: TV Tokyo
      0 {{ cantidad_favoritos }} {{ paginacion.total_elementos }} {{ ranking }} 11
        • {{ ultima_critica.addreview }}

          • {{ ultima_critica.fecha_creacion_corta }}
            • {{ ultima_critica.controlador==1?ultima_critica.cantidad_comic_usuario:ultima_critica.cantidad_animaciones_usuario }}
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    {{ ultima_critica.chapter }}

    {{ ultima_critica.chapter!='1'?'Chapters read':'Capítulo leídoCapítulo leído' }}

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    {{ ultima_critica.controlador==1?ultima_critica.cantidad_comic_usuario:ultima_critica.cantidad_animaciones_usuario }}

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