High Crimes

{{ valor_estrellas }} / 10.0
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People die every year on Mount Everest. This year will be murder. Zan Jensen is on the run from her past. For now, she works as a climbing guide for rich tourists in Kathmandu. And on the side, she and her partner Haskell moonlight as high-altitude graverobbers, extorting money from the families of the many dead bodies that litter the peaks of the Himalayas. But when a body shows up at the summit of Mount Everest with a jackpot of state secrets embedded in its skin, they’re put in the crosshairs of a government agency bent on recovering the body—and eliminating any witnesses. Collecting the two-time Eisner-nominated comic by CHRISTOPHER SEBELA (CROWDED, SHANGHAI RED, We(l)come Back) and artist IBRAHIM MOUSTAFA (Jaeger, Mother Panic, James Bond), HIGH CRIMES is a high-altitude noir that’s been called “the perfect thriller, with big stakes, damaged characters, dark pasts, and just the right ratio of humor-to-corpses” by CHELSEA CAIN, the New York Times bestselling author of the Archie Sheridan and Gretchen Lowell series.
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    • Synopsis:

      People die every year on Mount Everest. This year will be murder. Zan Jensen is on the run from her past. For now, she works as a climbing guide for rich tourists in Kathmandu. And on the side, she and her partner Haskell moonlight as high-altitude graverobbers, extorting money from the families of the many dead bodies that litter the peaks of the Himalayas. But when a body shows up at the summit of Mount Everest with a jackpot of state secrets embedded in its skin, they’re put in the crosshairs of a government agency bent on recovering the body—and eliminating any witnesses. Collecting the two-time Eisner-nominated comic by CHRISTOPHER SEBELA (CROWDED, SHANGHAI RED, We(l)come Back) and artist IBRAHIM MOUSTAFA (Jaeger, Mother Panic, James Bond), HIGH CRIMES is a high-altitude noir that’s been called “the perfect thriller, with big stakes, damaged characters, dark pasts, and just the right ratio of humor-to-corpses” by CHELSEA CAIN, the New York Times bestselling author of the Archie Sheridan and Gretchen Lowell series.

  • Chapters:
  • Volumes:
      • Original title: High Crimes
      • Gender: Mystery
      • Authors: Christopher Sebela Christopher Sebela, Christopher Sebela, Christopher Sebela
      • Publisher: Image Comics Image Comics, Image Comics, Image Comics
      • Alternative Title: Add
      • Type:One-shot Status:Finished
      • Editors: Add
      • Magazine: Add
      0 {{ cantidad_favoritos }} {{ paginacion.total_elementos }} {{ ranking }} 23
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    {{ ultima_critica.chapter!='1'?'Chapters read':'Capítulo leídoCapítulo leído' }}

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