A God Somewhere

{{ valor_estrellas }} / 10.0
A God Somewhere comic
Chapters: /1
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In 1992, Sam Knowles is a new black student in a predominantly white high school. When he is attacked by other students, brothers Eric and Hugh Foster come to his rescue. The three form a strong, lasting friendship that is strained when Hugh marries Alma, a girl all three boys find attractive. Years later, Eric's apartment building mysteriously explodes, but Eric is unharmed. Sam takes Eric to a hospital where they are found by Alma. She and Hugh had split up to search for Eric, but Eric does not hear her explanation and is hurt by Hugh's absence. They see on TV that people are still trapped in the apartment rubble, and Eric rushes out of the hospital to help them. Sam follows him but is left behind when Eric leaps into the air and flies away. Eric returns to his apartment and rescues multiple survivors using superhuman strength and senses. He is caught on film by news crews, becoming a
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      A God Somewhere comic
    • Synopsis:

      In 1992, Sam Knowles is a new black student in a predominantly white high school. When he is attacked by other students, brothers Eric and Hugh Foster come to his rescue. The three form a strong, lasting friendship that is strained when Hugh marries Alma, a girl all three boys find attractive. Years later, Eric's apartment building mysteriously explodes, but Eric is unharmed. Sam takes Eric to a hospital where they are found by Alma. She and Hugh had split up to search for Eric, but Eric does not hear her explanation and is hurt by Hugh's absence. They see on TV that people are still trapped in the apartment rubble, and Eric rushes out of the hospital to help them. Sam follows him but is left behind when Eric leaps into the air and flies away. Eric returns to his apartment and rescues multiple survivors using superhuman strength and senses. He is caught on film by news crews, becoming a

  • Chapters:
  • Volumes:
      • Original title: A God Somewhere
      • Gender: Drama
      • Authors: John Arcudi, John Arcudi, John Arcudi, John Arcudi Peter Snejbjerg, Peter Snejbjerg, Peter Snejbjerg, Peter Snejbjerg Wes Abbott, Wes Abbott, Wes Abbott, Wes Abbott Bjarne Hansen Bjarne Hansen, Bjarne Hansen, Bjarne Hansen
      • Publisher: DC Comics, DC Comics, DC Comics, DC Comics Wildstorm (DC Comics) Wildstorm (DC Comics), Wildstorm (DC Comics), Wildstorm (DC Comics)
      • Alternative Title: Add
      • Type:One-shot Status:Finished
      • Editors: Add
      • Magazine: Add
      0 {{ cantidad_favoritos }} {{ paginacion.total_elementos }} {{ ranking }} 52
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    {{ ultima_critica.chapter!='1'?'Chapters read':'Capítulo leídoCapítulo leído' }}

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