Boku to Mitozaka wa, Kyoudake Shinyuu Janai

{{ valor_estrellas }} / 10.0
Boku to Mitozaka wa, Kyoudake Shinyuu Janai comic
Chapters: /1
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Kazuhiko and I have always been together since we got into university. He had unsophisticated clothes, heavy glasses and unruly, curly hair.

But one day, he changed his hairstyle. His rough, curly hair became silky straight, he switched to contacts, and even his taste in clothes changed.

I've always pretended not to notice the affection I've been getting from Kazuhiko, with the reason that I already have a boyfriend with who I'm in a long-distance relationship with.

I kept pretending even when I'm getting cheated on.
Even when all my calls to him go unanswered.

"Mitozaka, you're dissatisfied and unhappy."
"If he's truly your lover, it's supposed to be his duty to help ease your worries."
"It's strange that you're holding back on him."

Like I said, Kazuhiko, don't tell me those things when I'm feeling down...

On the way home from the usual drinking party. The drunken me, prodded by the devil, said some biting words to him who was diligently looking after me:

"Do you like me?"

Hey, give me a cheeky answer with your weirdly polite language, like you usually do.

"...please don't ...ask me something like that."

After saying that, he pulled my hand as I was making a miserable face, and then pushed me down onto the bed.

This is a story about that time he and I stopped being best friends, for just one night.

(Source: DLsite garumani)
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      Boku to Mitozaka wa, Kyoudake Shinyuu Janai comic
    • Synopsis:

      Kazuhiko and I have always been together since we got into university. He had unsophisticated clothes, heavy glasses and unruly, curly hair.

      But one day, he changed his hairstyle. His rough, curly hair became silky straight, he switched to contacts, and even his taste in clothes changed.

      I've always pretended not to notice the affection I've been getting from Kazuhiko, with the reason that I already have a boyfriend with who I'm in a long-distance relationship with.

      I kept pretending even when I'm getting cheated on.
      Even when all my calls to him go unanswered.

      "Mitozaka, you're dissatisfied and unhappy."
      "If he's truly your lover, it's supposed to be his duty to help ease your worries."
      "It's strange that you're holding back on him."

      Like I said, Kazuhiko, don't tell me those things when I'm feeling down...

      On the way home from the usual drinking party. The drunken me, prodded by the devil, said some biting words to him who was diligently looking after me:

      "Do you like me?"

      Hey, give me a cheeky answer with your weirdly polite language, like you usually do.

      "...please don't ...ask me something like that."

      After saying that, he pulled my hand as I was making a miserable face, and then pushed me down onto the bed.

      This is a story about that time he and I stopped being best friends, for just one night.

      (Source: DLsite garumani)

  • Chapters:
  • Volumes:
      • Original title: Add
      • Gender: Adult, Drama, Hentai, Romance, School life
      • Authors: WAIDAN THE, WAIDAN THE, WAIDAN THE, WAIDAN THE Meshimeshi YASUDA, Meshimeshi YASUDA, Meshimeshi YASUDA, Meshimeshi YASUDA Suzu OOMI Suzu OOMI, Suzu OOMI, Suzu OOMI
      • Publisher: DLsite DLsite, DLsite, DLsite
      • Alternative Title: Boku to Mitozaka wa, Kyou Dake Shinyuu ja Nai, Chuyện Bông Đùa, Me and Mitozaka Aren't Best Friends Just for Today, 与水户阪,只限今天,越过知己的界限, 僕と水戸坂は、今日だけ親友じゃない
      • Type:One-shot Status:Finished
      • Editors: Add
      • Magazine: Garumani Senbai
      0 {{ cantidad_favoritos }} {{ paginacion.total_elementos }} {{ ranking }} 191
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