Genkai Shachiku OL wa Ashitate Senpai ni Numattemasu

{{ valor_estrellas }} / 10.0
Genkai Shachiku OL wa Ashitate Senpai ni Numattemasu comic
Chapters: /1
Volumes: /1
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The company I joined after recently graduating turned out to be a demanding sales company. The overtime hours I had to put in a month just barely complies with the Labor Standards Act. At 22 years old, I'm a complete corporate slave of an office lady.

Even then, I haven't resigned because Ashitate-senpai was there. Opposite his seemingly mature looks, with his absurd way of doing business he's received a lot of complaints: he's a problem child 5 years my senior.

"When you decide to quit, be sure to tell me, OK?"
"I'm also thinking of jumping ship together with you, Imai-san"
The Ashitate-senpai who's just the kind of guy to mix in these kinds of jokes during break time is the one I loved.

The moment when I began to half-jokingly think I had a chance with him...

Senpai found out I was still a virgin.

After a business meeting, we were in the company car slacking off while watching a movie when a kiss scene came on, I immediately started blushing, and that's when he found out.

"Hey, Imai-san... you like me, don't you?"

With experienced hands, he pushed down the passenger seat into a reclining position. Then he kissed me like in that scene from the movie, licked my ears and then...

The Ashitate-senpai who's always had a mean face on but is now smiling and telling jokes, is right now licking and sucking on my clit like there's no tomorrow in the company car. And so...

"Wanna come to my house?"

From the moment I nodded my head to those words, I found myself getting sucked into and falling deeper into this pit called "Ashitate-senpai"...

(Source: DLsite garumani)
    • Alternative Title: An OL Who’s a Complete Corporate Slave Is Addicted to Ashitate-senpai, Genkai Shachiku OL wa Ashitate Senpai ni Numa Ttemasu, Nô Lệ Chốn Công Sở, Được Tiền Bối Aidachi Mê Đắm, 限界社畜OLは芦立先輩に沼ってます

    • Editors: Add

    • Magazine: Garumani Senbai

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      Genkai Shachiku OL wa Ashitate Senpai ni Numattemasu comic
    • Synopsis:

      The company I joined after recently graduating turned out to be a demanding sales company. The overtime hours I had to put in a month just barely complies with the Labor Standards Act. At 22 years old, I'm a complete corporate slave of an office lady.

      Even then, I haven't resigned because Ashitate-senpai was there. Opposite his seemingly mature looks, with his absurd way of doing business he's received a lot of complaints: he's a problem child 5 years my senior.

      "When you decide to quit, be sure to tell me, OK?"
      "I'm also thinking of jumping ship together with you, Imai-san"
      The Ashitate-senpai who's just the kind of guy to mix in these kinds of jokes during break time is the one I loved.

      The moment when I began to half-jokingly think I had a chance with him...

      Senpai found out I was still a virgin.

      After a business meeting, we were in the company car slacking off while watching a movie when a kiss scene came on, I immediately started blushing, and that's when he found out.

      "Hey, Imai-san... you like me, don't you?"

      With experienced hands, he pushed down the passenger seat into a reclining position. Then he kissed me like in that scene from the movie, licked my ears and then...

      The Ashitate-senpai who's always had a mean face on but is now smiling and telling jokes, is right now licking and sucking on my clit like there's no tomorrow in the company car. And so...

      "Wanna come to my house?"

      From the moment I nodded my head to those words, I found myself getting sucked into and falling deeper into this pit called "Ashitate-senpai"...

      (Source: DLsite garumani)

  • Chapters:
  • Volumes:
      • Original title: Add
      • Gender: Adult, Hentai, Romance
      • Authors: WAIDAN THE, WAIDAN THE, WAIDAN THE, WAIDAN THE Meshimeshi YASUDA Meshimeshi YASUDA, Meshimeshi YASUDA, Meshimeshi YASUDA
      • Publisher: DLsite DLsite, DLsite, DLsite
      • Alternative Title: An OL Who’s a Complete Corporate Slave Is Addicted to Ashitate-senpai, Genkai Shachiku OL wa Ashitate Senpai ni Numa Ttemasu, Nô Lệ Chốn Công Sở, Được Tiền Bối Aidachi Mê Đắm, 限界社畜OLは芦立先輩に沼ってます
      • Type:One-shot Status:Finished
      • Editors: Add
      • Magazine: Garumani Senbai
      1 {{ cantidad_favoritos }} {{ paginacion.total_elementos }} {{ ranking }} 183
        • {{ ultima_critica.addreview }}

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            • {{ ultima_critica.controlador==1?ultima_critica.cantidad_comic_usuario:ultima_critica.cantidad_animaciones_usuario }}
            • {{ ultima_critica.mgusta }}
  • {{ ultima_critica.usuario_creo_lista }}

    {{ ultima_critica.chapter }}

    {{ ultima_critica.chapter!='1'?'Chapters read':'Capítulo leídoCapítulo leído' }}

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    {{ ultima_critica.addreview }}

    {{ ultima_critica.controlador==1?ultima_critica.cantidad_comic_usuario:ultima_critica.cantidad_animaciones_usuario }}

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