Kuni Watari no Renkinjutsushi - Ouji ni Damasare Oukyuu wo Oidasareta Watashi wa, Aru Tabi no Ichidan to Deaimashita

{{ valor_estrellas }} / 10.0
Kuni Watari no Renkinjutsushi - Ouji ni Damasare Oukyuu wo Oidasareta Watashi wa, Aru Tabi no Ichidan to Deaimashita comic
Chapters: /{{ capitulos_totales }}
Volumes: /{{ volumenes_totales }}
  • Kuni Watari no Renkinjutsushi - Ouji ni Damasare Oukyuu wo Oidasareta Watashi wa, Aru Tabi no Ichidan to Deaimashita 


    Sora HINOKAGE, (II) Tsuzuri
  • Publication Date:


  • Country:


  • Chapters:


  • Volumes:



Yulia became an orphan when she was young, so this lonely girl set out on a journey in search of "happiness" by strengthening her feelings and weaving bonds with others.

In order to fulfill the promise she made to her mother to "live happily," Yulia Improved her talent in alchemy and fulfilled her duties as a court alchemist. However, Prince Zenon, who had taken notice of Yulia's excellence, stole her research results and banished her from the royal palace!

Tired from losing everything and then wandering around, she happened to visit a town where she met a group of traveling merchants known as the "Four Winds Brigade." Little did she know that this encounter would change her destiny...
    • Alternative Title: Alchemist who Crossed the Country: I Was Tricked by the Prince and Kicked out of the Royal Palace, and I Met a Traveling Group, Kuni Watari no Renkinjutsushi, 国渡りの錬金術師, 国渡りの錬金術師 王子に騙され王宮を追い出された私は、ある旅の一団と出会いました

    • Editors: Add

    • Magazine: Comp Ace

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      Kuni Watari no Renkinjutsushi - Ouji ni Damasare Oukyuu wo Oidasareta Watashi wa, Aru Tabi no Ichidan to Deaimashita comic
      • Kuni Watari no Renkinjutsushi - Ouji ni Damasare Oukyuu wo Oidasareta Watashi wa, Aru Tabi no Ichidan to Deaimashita by Sora HINOKAGE, (II) Tsuzuri
        • Publication Date: 2023
        • Country: Japan
        • Chapters: 0 Volumes: 0
    • Synopsis:

      Yulia became an orphan when she was young, so this lonely girl set out on a journey in search of "happiness" by strengthening her feelings and weaving bonds with others.

      In order to fulfill the promise she made to her mother to "live happily," Yulia Improved her talent in alchemy and fulfilled her duties as a court alchemist. However, Prince Zenon, who had taken notice of Yulia's excellence, stole her research results and banished her from the royal palace!

      Tired from losing everything and then wandering around, she happened to visit a town where she met a group of traveling merchants known as the "Four Winds Brigade." Little did she know that this encounter would change her destiny...

  • Chapters:
      /{{ capitulos_totales }}
  • Volumes:
      /{{ volumenes_totales }}
      • Original title: Add
      • Gender: Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Romance, Shonen, Slice of life
      • Authors: Sora HINOKAGE, Sora HINOKAGE, Sora HINOKAGE, Sora HINOKAGE (II) Tsuzuri (II) Tsuzuri, (II) Tsuzuri, (II) Tsuzuri
      • Publisher: Kadokawa Kadokawa, Kadokawa, Kadokawa
      • Alternative Title: Alchemist who Crossed the Country: I Was Tricked by the Prince and Kicked out of the Royal Palace, and I Met a Traveling Group, Kuni Watari no Renkinjutsushi, 国渡りの錬金術師, 国渡りの錬金術師 王子に騙され王宮を追い出された私は、ある旅の一団と出会いました
      • Type:Series Status:Publishing
      • Editors: Add
      • Magazine: Comp Ace
      0 {{ cantidad_favoritos }} {{ paginacion.total_elementos }} {{ ranking }} 19
        • {{ ultima_critica.addreview }}

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  • {{ ultima_critica.usuario_creo_lista }}

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    {{ ultima_critica.chapter!='1'?'Chapters read':'Capítulo leídoCapítulo leído' }}

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    {{ ultima_critica.controlador==1?ultima_critica.cantidad_comic_usuario:ultima_critica.cantidad_animaciones_usuario }}

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