The Archduke's Fabulous Fake Marriage

{{ valor_estrellas }} / 10.0
The Archduke's Fabulous Fake Marriage comic
Chapters: /{{ capitulos_totales }}
Volumes: /{{ volumenes_totales }}


After a former art student wakes up as an art mage in the world of a novel, she realizes that she's now villainess no. 4, Shaye — and she's about to be sold at a slave auction! Luckily, Archduke Lacius de Schubeiden saves her, but for his own reasons. Lacius plans to generously pay Shaye to pose as his jealous wife so that his stalkers will stay away from him. And even though Shaye readily accepts his offer, it's anyone's guess as to whether or not they can pull off this fake marriage.

Original Webtoon:
Kakaopage, Daum

Official Translations:
English, Japanese, Indonesian, Thai

When I opened my eyes, I found myself in a crate about to be sold as a slave in an auction. It was going well until the novel’s male lead burst in and saved me, but all of a sudden, this man asked me to marry him.

“Please be my wife and show this empire your worst behavior, so wicked that no one would dare to approach me when they see you.”

“What’s in it for me?”

“I’ll give you 10 billion.”

What the F...? Welcome, dear customer! I would gladly uphold the ‘crazy bitch’ reputation to drive away those stalker fans just to live a comfortable life. However-

“I can’t imagine
    • Alternative Title: O casamento fabuloso do arquiduque era uma fraude, The Archduke's Gorgeous Wedding Was a Fraud, The Archduke's Splendid Wedding Was a Fraud, The Grand Duke's Splendid Marriage Is a Scam, วิวาห์ลวงของแกรนด์ดยุก, 脇役悪女の華麗なる契約結婚, 那个大公的华丽婚姻, 그 대공의 화려한 결혼은 사기

    • Editors: Add

    • Magazine: KakaoPage, Kakao Webtoon

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      The Archduke's Fabulous Fake Marriage comic
    • Synopsis:

      After a former art student wakes up as an art mage in the world of a novel, she realizes that she's now villainess no. 4, Shaye — and she's about to be sold at a slave auction! Luckily, Archduke Lacius de Schubeiden saves her, but for his own reasons. Lacius plans to generously pay Shaye to pose as his jealous wife so that his stalkers will stay away from him. And even though Shaye readily accepts his offer, it's anyone's guess as to whether or not they can pull off this fake marriage.

      Original Webtoon:
      Kakaopage, Daum

      Official Translations:
      English, Japanese, Indonesian, Thai

      When I opened my eyes, I found myself in a crate about to be sold as a slave in an auction. It was going well until the novel’s male lead burst in and saved me, but all of a sudden, this man asked me to marry him.

      “Please be my wife and show this empire your worst behavior, so wicked that no one would dare to approach me when they see you.”

      “What’s in it for me?”

      “I’ll give you 10 billion.”

      What the F...? Welcome, dear customer! I would gladly uphold the ‘crazy bitch’ reputation to drive away those stalker fans just to live a comfortable life. However-

      “I can’t imagine

  • Chapters:
      /{{ capitulos_totales }}
  • Volumes:
      /{{ volumenes_totales }}
      • Original title: Add
      • Gender: Fantasy, Romance, Shojo
      • Authors: Ryeowon Eun, Ryeowon Eun, Ryeowon Eun, Ryeowon Eun Yeolmae, Yeolmae, Yeolmae, Yeolmae (II) Coyo (II) Coyo, (II) Coyo, (II) Coyo
      • Publisher: Daum, Daum, Daum, Daum Kakao, Kakao, Kakao, Kakao Yeondam, Yeondam, Yeondam, Yeondam Tapas, Tapas, Tapas, Tapas Polar Fox Polar Fox, Polar Fox, Polar Fox
      • Alternative Title: O casamento fabuloso do arquiduque era uma fraude, The Archduke's Gorgeous Wedding Was a Fraud, The Archduke's Splendid Wedding Was a Fraud, The Grand Duke's Splendid Marriage Is a Scam, วิวาห์ลวงของแกรนด์ดยุก, 脇役悪女の華麗なる契約結婚, 那个大公的华丽婚姻, 그 대공의 화려한 결혼은 사기
      • Type:Series Status:Publishing
      • Editors: Add
      • Magazine: KakaoPage, Kakao Webtoon
      0 {{ cantidad_favoritos }} {{ paginacion.total_elementos }} {{ ranking }} 22
        • {{ ultima_critica.addreview }}

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            • {{ ultima_critica.controlador==1?ultima_critica.cantidad_comic_usuario:ultima_critica.cantidad_animaciones_usuario }}
            • {{ ultima_critica.mgusta }}
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    {{ ultima_critica.chapter!='1'?'Chapters read':'Capítulo leídoCapítulo leído' }}

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    {{ ultima_critica.addreview }}

    {{ ultima_critica.controlador==1?ultima_critica.cantidad_comic_usuario:ultima_critica.cantidad_animaciones_usuario }}

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