Beware the Ides of March

{{ valor_estrellas }} / 10.0
Beware the Ides of March comic
Chapters: /{{ capitulos_totales }}
Volumes: /{{ volumenes_totales }}


Ex-convict Park Mokhwa wants nothing more than to keep his head low and stay out of anything that has to do with his past. However, his new-found tranquility as a florist is shattered by the appearance of Kim Nakwon, corrupt cop and unabashed hedonist. Nakwon is sure that Mokhwa’s the key to cracking an important case, and he’ll do anything to get the taciturn man to talk. The best way to make someone confess is to cause them pain, and Nakwon thinks he knows just what’ll hurt Mokhwa the most. But despite Nakwon’s best efforts, Mokhwa continues to stay silent. It’s not often that life doesn’t go the way Nakwon wants it to, so his obsession with Mokhwa only grows stronger...

Original Novel Series

Original Webtoon:
R19: Bomtoon, Lezhin
R15: Naver Series, MrBlue, Bomtoon, BookCube, Lezhin, Onestory, Nate

Official Translations:
English, French
    • Alternative Title: 3月15日に気を付けよ, 3월의 보름을 조심하라, Beware of the Full Moon in March, Cuidado con Los Idus de Marzo, Méfie-toi des Ides de mars, احذر منتصف مارس

    • Editors: Add

    • Magazine: KakaoPage, Naver Series, Lezhin, Bomtoon, MrBlue

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        Beware the Ides of March comic
      • Synopsis:

        Ex-convict Park Mokhwa wants nothing more than to keep his head low and stay out of anything that has to do with his past. However, his new-found tranquility as a florist is shattered by the appearance of Kim Nakwon, corrupt cop and unabashed hedonist. Nakwon is sure that Mokhwa’s the key to cracking an important case, and he’ll do anything to get the taciturn man to talk. The best way to make someone confess is to cause them pain, and Nakwon thinks he knows just what’ll hurt Mokhwa the most. But despite Nakwon’s best efforts, Mokhwa continues to stay silent. It’s not often that life doesn’t go the way Nakwon wants it to, so his obsession with Mokhwa only grows stronger...

        Original Novel Series

        Original Webtoon:
        R19: Bomtoon, Lezhin
        R15: Naver Series, MrBlue, Bomtoon, BookCube, Lezhin, Onestory, Nate

        Official Translations:
        English, French

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