Crowning a Spoiled Prince

{{ valor_estrellas }} / 10.0
Crowning a Spoiled Prince comic
Chapters: /{{ capitulos_totales }}
Volumes: /{{ volumenes_totales }}


After losing her father, bratty brother, and the Elias Empire to her traitorous fiancé's schemes, Princess Regina makes a wish upon a magic ancestral stone and returns to when she was fifteen. With one last chance to right everything, she comes up with a plan: train her spoiled sibling to be the next ruler by becoming an even bigger brat and get Aaron Vestein, the most beautiful man in the empire, to replace her fiancé! But will just wits, resolve, and a new suitor be enough to change Regina's fate?

Original Novel:
KakaoPage, Naver Series

Original Webtoon:
KakaoPage, Daum

Official Translations:
English, S.Chinese, Indonesian, Japanese, Thai,
    • Alternative Title: A segunda vida da princesa lixo, Mon Frère, cet imbécile, Second Life of a Trash Princess, She's The Sister of a Maniac, The Older Sister of a Maniac, เมื่อฉันเป็นพี่สาวของอันธพาล, 暴れん坊のお姉様, 混球的姐姐, 망나니의 누님이시다

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    • Magazine: KakaoPage, Kakao Webtoon

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        Crowning a Spoiled Prince comic
      • Synopsis:

        After losing her father, bratty brother, and the Elias Empire to her traitorous fiancé's schemes, Princess Regina makes a wish upon a magic ancestral stone and returns to when she was fifteen. With one last chance to right everything, she comes up with a plan: train her spoiled sibling to be the next ruler by becoming an even bigger brat and get Aaron Vestein, the most beautiful man in the empire, to replace her fiancé! But will just wits, resolve, and a new suitor be enough to change Regina's fate?

        Original Novel:
        KakaoPage, Naver Series

        Original Webtoon:
        KakaoPage, Daum

        Official Translations:
        English, S.Chinese, Indonesian, Japanese, Thai,

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