Power Rangers Unlimited: Call to Darkness

{{ valor_estrellas }} / 10.0
Power Rangers Unlimited: Call to Darkness comic
Chapters: /{{ capitulos_totales }}
Volumes: /{{ volumenes_totales }}


The prelude to the next monumental Power Rangers event DARKEST HOUR!AN UNEXPECTED NEW TEAM OF POWER RANGERS ARRIVE!As if the medium-spanning, fan-favorite villain Drakkon wasn't enough of a threat, Mistress Vile has special plans, ones that will bring the Rangers' greatest foe into our world!But this scheming isn't without consequences for Drakkon, and he'll have to take a page from the book of Zordon if he wants the world of the Coinless to survive.But who would be unhinged enough to join his team? As if they have a choice…Meanwhile, the HyperForce Rangers must do everything they can–including gathering any available and unexpected allies from every corner of the multiverse–as they battle against Mistress Vile and Dark Specter's spreading infection of the Morphin Grid!Acclaimed Dead Mall and Jim Henson's The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance writer Adam Cesare teams up with Mighty Morphin artist Moisés Hidalgo to present the last Rangers anyone would want to be… that fans didn't know they needed!Collects Power Rangers Unlimited: The Coinless #1 and Power Rangers Unlimited: HyperForce #1.
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      Power Rangers Unlimited: Call to Darkness comic
    • Synopsis:

      The prelude to the next monumental Power Rangers event DARKEST HOUR!AN UNEXPECTED NEW TEAM OF POWER RANGERS ARRIVE!As if the medium-spanning, fan-favorite villain Drakkon wasn't enough of a threat, Mistress Vile has special plans, ones that will bring the Rangers' greatest foe into our world!But this scheming isn't without consequences for Drakkon, and he'll have to take a page from the book of Zordon if he wants the world of the Coinless to survive.But who would be unhinged enough to join his team? As if they have a choice…Meanwhile, the HyperForce Rangers must do everything they can–including gathering any available and unexpected allies from every corner of the multiverse–as they battle against Mistress Vile and Dark Specter's spreading infection of the Morphin Grid!Acclaimed Dead Mall and Jim Henson's The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance writer Adam Cesare teams up with Mighty Morphin artist Moisés Hidalgo to present the last Rangers anyone would want to be… that fans didn't know they needed!Collects Power Rangers Unlimited: The Coinless #1 and Power Rangers Unlimited: HyperForce #1.

  • Chapters:
      /{{ capitulos_totales }}
  • Volumes:
      /{{ volumenes_totales }}
      • Original title: Power Rangers Unlimited: Call to Darkness
      • Gender: Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Super Hero
      • Authors: Arthur Hesli, Arthur Hesli, Arthur Hesli, Arthur Hesli Bryan Valenza, Bryan Valenza, Bryan Valenza, Bryan Valenza Moisés Hidalgo, Moisés Hidalgo, Moisés Hidalgo, Moisés Hidalgo Federico Sabbatini, Federico Sabbatini, Federico Sabbatini, Federico Sabbatini Adam Cesare, Adam Cesare, Adam Cesare, Adam Cesare Melissa Flores, Melissa Flores, Melissa Flores, Melissa Flores Meghan Camarena Meghan Camarena, Meghan Camarena, Meghan Camarena
      • Publisher: Boom! Studios Boom! Studios, Boom! Studios, Boom! Studios
      • Alternative Title: Add
      • Type:Series Status:Finished
      • Editors: Add
      • Magazine: Add
      0 {{ cantidad_favoritos }} {{ paginacion.total_elementos }} {{ ranking }} 53
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    {{ ultima_critica.chapter!='1'?'Chapters read':'Capítulo leídoCapítulo leído' }}

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