The Last Airbender Prequel: Zuko's Story

{{ valor_estrellas }} / 10.0
The Last Airbender Prequel: Zuko's Story comic
Chapters: /1
Volumes: /1


An hour after the Agni Kai with Ozai, Prince Zuko wakes up in an infirmary. The comic starts with him running to his room, chased by Iroh. He dreams about the Agni Kai, crying violently, when he hears a knock on the door, he thinks is Ozai, but it is actually his 11-year-old sister, Azula, who has come to taunt him about his banishment. Through later events, she gets Zuko a ship, a crew and Iroh to come along. He scours the Western Air Temple, and visits Fire Sage Shyu, looking for information on the Avatar. In the Colonies, a man in a Red mask (the Red Spirit) steals from him, later teaching him to rely on swords rather than firebending to become the Blue Spirit. Then, Zuko goes to the Eastern Air Temple, and mistakes Pathik for the Avatar, due to his age. After a fight, Zuko demands Pathik to airbend, but winds up finding him not to be the Avatar. That night, Avatar Yangchen gives Path
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      The Last Airbender Prequel: Zuko's Story comic
    • Synopsis:

      An hour after the Agni Kai with Ozai, Prince Zuko wakes up in an infirmary. The comic starts with him running to his room, chased by Iroh. He dreams about the Agni Kai, crying violently, when he hears a knock on the door, he thinks is Ozai, but it is actually his 11-year-old sister, Azula, who has come to taunt him about his banishment. Through later events, she gets Zuko a ship, a crew and Iroh to come along. He scours the Western Air Temple, and visits Fire Sage Shyu, looking for information on the Avatar. In the Colonies, a man in a Red mask (the Red Spirit) steals from him, later teaching him to rely on swords rather than firebending to become the Blue Spirit. Then, Zuko goes to the Eastern Air Temple, and mistakes Pathik for the Avatar, due to his age. After a fight, Zuko demands Pathik to airbend, but winds up finding him not to be the Avatar. That night, Avatar Yangchen gives Path

  • Chapters:
  • Volumes:
      • Original title: The Last Airbender Prequel: Zuko's Story
      • Gender: Adventure, Fantasy
      • Authors: Dave Roman, Dave Roman, Dave Roman, Dave Roman Alison Wilgus, Alison Wilgus, Alison Wilgus, Alison Wilgus Nina Matsumoto Nina Matsumoto, Nina Matsumoto, Nina Matsumoto
      • Publisher: Del Rey Manga Del Rey Manga, Del Rey Manga, Del Rey Manga
      • Alternative Title: Add
      • Type:One-shot Status:
      • Editors: Add
      • Magazine: Add
      0 {{ cantidad_favoritos }} {{ paginacion.total_elementos }} {{ ranking }} 101
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