Beast's Flower

{{ valor_estrellas }} / 10.0
Beast's Flower comic
Chapters: /{{ capitulos_totales }}
Volumes: /{{ volumenes_totales }}


Beware the witch in the forest for she may curse you with her stench! So everyone says about Lyla, who was abandoned by her family and cast away to a cabin deep in the woods for being born with a putrid odor. Though she's spent her entire life alone, everything changes the night Viorst comes knocking at her door. When asked why he isn't disgusted by her, he claims it's because he lacks the ability to smell. Little does Lyla know that her new visitor is actually a hungry beast that was lured in by her absolutely irresistible scent...

Original Novel

Original Webtoon:
Naver Webtoon, Naver Series

Official Translations:
English, S.Chinese, French, Thai, T.Chinese, Indonesian
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      Beast's Flower comic
    • Synopsis:

      Beware the witch in the forest for she may curse you with her stench! So everyone says about Lyla, who was abandoned by her family and cast away to a cabin deep in the woods for being born with a putrid odor. Though she's spent her entire life alone, everything changes the night Viorst comes knocking at her door. When asked why he isn't disgusted by her, he claims it's because he lacks the ability to smell. Little does Lyla know that her new visitor is actually a hungry beast that was lured in by her absolutely irresistible scent...

      Original Novel

      Original Webtoon:
      Naver Webtoon, Naver Series

      Official Translations:
      English, S.Chinese, French, Thai, T.Chinese, Indonesian

  • Chapters:
      /{{ capitulos_totales }}
  • Volumes:
      /{{ volumenes_totales }}
      • Original title: Add
      • Gender: Fantasy, Romance, Shojo
      • Authors: Do-Tol HWANG, Do-Tol HWANG, Do-Tol HWANG, Do-Tol HWANG Charles Charles, Charles, Charles
      • Publisher: Naver, Naver, Naver, Naver TappyToon TappyToon, TappyToon, TappyToon
      • Alternative Title: Beast’s Flower, La Fleur de la Bête, The Flower of the Beast, บุปผาของสัตว์ป่า, 野兽之花, 野獸之花, 짐승의 꽃
      • Type:Series Status:Publishing
      • Editors: Add
      • Magazine: Naver Webtoon, Naver Series
      0 {{ cantidad_favoritos }} {{ paginacion.total_elementos }} {{ ranking }} 46
        • {{ ultima_critica.addreview }}

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            • {{ ultima_critica.controlador==1?ultima_critica.cantidad_comic_usuario:ultima_critica.cantidad_animaciones_usuario }}
            • {{ ultima_critica.mgusta }}
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    {{ ultima_critica.chapter }}

    {{ ultima_critica.chapter!='1'?'Chapters read':'Capítulo leídoCapítulo leído' }}

    {{ ultima_critica.chapter!='1'?'Episodes watched':'Episode seen' }}

    {{ ultima_critica.fecha_creacion_corta }}

    {{ ultima_critica.addreview }}

    {{ ultima_critica.controlador==1?ultima_critica.cantidad_comic_usuario:ultima_critica.cantidad_animaciones_usuario }}

    {{ ultima_critica.mgusta }}

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