I Took Away the Tyrant's Virginity

{{ valor_estrellas }} / 10.0
I Took Away the Tyrant's Virginity comic
Chapters: /{{ capitulos_totales }}
Volumes: /{{ volumenes_totales }}


“Aah, I like men with big chests.”

The man whose chest was exposed in the sunlight was very handsome… Wait, who are you? Why are you naked next to me?

“Your Majesty… the Emperor?”

Unbelievable. It seems that she unintentionally spent a night with a tyrant at the masquerade.

“How dare you want to leave after taking the emperor’s virginity?”

No, last night, we both agreed!

“you have to take responsibility of taking my virginity!”

Did I?

Staring into those eyes that insisted on waiting for an answer, I…

“I-I will take responsibility, Your Majesty.”


Original Webtoon:
KakaoPage, Daum

Official Translations:
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      I Took Away the Tyrant's Virginity comic
    • Synopsis:

      “Aah, I like men with big chests.”

      The man whose chest was exposed in the sunlight was very handsome… Wait, who are you? Why are you naked next to me?

      “Your Majesty… the Emperor?”

      Unbelievable. It seems that she unintentionally spent a night with a tyrant at the masquerade.

      “How dare you want to leave after taking the emperor’s virginity?”

      No, last night, we both agreed!

      “you have to take responsibility of taking my virginity!”

      Did I?

      Staring into those eyes that insisted on waiting for an answer, I…

      “I-I will take responsibility, Your Majesty.”


      Original Webtoon:
      KakaoPage, Daum

      Official Translations:

  • Chapters:
      /{{ capitulos_totales }}
  • Volumes:
      /{{ volumenes_totales }}
      • Original title: Add
      • Gender: Fantasy, Romance, Shojo
      • Authors: Baegdan, Baegdan, Baegdan, Baegdan Sae Danpung, Sae Danpung, Sae Danpung, Sae Danpung Hye Hye, Hye, Hye
      • Publisher: Daum, Daum, Daum, Daum Kakao, Kakao, Kakao, Kakao ToYou's Dream ToYou's Dream, ToYou's Dream, ToYou's Dream
      • Alternative Title: I Took Away the Tyrant's Chastity, I Took Away the Tyrant's First Time, I Took the Tyrant’s Virginity, 暴君の純潔を奪ってしまいました, 폭군의 순결을 빼앗아 버렸다
      • Type:Series Status:Publishing
      • Editors: Add
      • Magazine: KakaoPage, Kakao Webtoon
      1 {{ cantidad_favoritos }} {{ paginacion.total_elementos }} {{ ranking }} 28
        • {{ ultima_critica.addreview }}

          • {{ ultima_critica.fecha_creacion_corta }}
            • {{ ultima_critica.controlador==1?ultima_critica.cantidad_comic_usuario:ultima_critica.cantidad_animaciones_usuario }}
            • {{ ultima_critica.mgusta }}
  • {{ ultima_critica.usuario_creo_lista }}

    {{ ultima_critica.chapter }}

    {{ ultima_critica.chapter!='1'?'Chapters read':'Capítulo leídoCapítulo leído' }}

    {{ ultima_critica.chapter!='1'?'Episodes watched':'Episode seen' }}

    {{ ultima_critica.fecha_creacion_corta }}

    {{ ultima_critica.addreview }}

    {{ ultima_critica.controlador==1?ultima_critica.cantidad_comic_usuario:ultima_critica.cantidad_animaciones_usuario }}

    {{ ultima_critica.mgusta }}

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