Ikenie Akujo no Shiroi Kekkon - Mezametara 8-nengo, Katsute wa Goei Datta Koushaku-sama no Dekiai ni Naremasen!

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Ikenie Akujo no Shiroi Kekkon - Mezametara 8-nengo, Katsute wa Goei Datta Koushaku-sama no Dekiai ni Naremasen! comic
Chapters: /{{ capitulos_totales }}
Volumes: /{{ volumenes_totales }}
  • Ikenie Akujo no Shiroi Kekkon - Mezametara 8-nengo, Katsute wa Goei Datta Koushaku-sama no Dekiai ni Naremasen! 


    Saki ICHIBU, Shiori HIROMOTO
  • Publication Date:


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  • Chapters:


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A love story about Ninette, a baroness, and Til, her escort.

The story begins when Ninette, whose political marriage has been consummated, is reunited with Til, who has become a duke and her fiancé. Ten years before their reunion, Ninette's stepmother and stepsister had taken over her house, and she was living with Til in a cabin in a corner of the mansion. In fact, Ninette has a condition that attracts the opposite sex, and because of this, she is slandered and called an evil woman. One day, Ninette and Til go to town on her stepmother's errand and get into some trouble.

(natalie.mu translated).
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      Ikenie Akujo no Shiroi Kekkon - Mezametara 8-nengo, Katsute wa Goei Datta Koushaku-sama no Dekiai ni Naremasen! comic
      • Ikenie Akujo no Shiroi Kekkon - Mezametara 8-nengo, Katsute wa Goei Datta Koushaku-sama no Dekiai ni Naremasen! by Saki ICHIBU, Shiori HIROMOTO
        • Publication Date: 2023
        • Country: Japan
        • Chapters: 4 Volumes: 0
    • Synopsis:

      A love story about Ninette, a baroness, and Til, her escort.

      The story begins when Ninette, whose political marriage has been consummated, is reunited with Til, who has become a duke and her fiancé. Ten years before their reunion, Ninette's stepmother and stepsister had taken over her house, and she was living with Til in a cabin in a corner of the mansion. In fact, Ninette has a condition that attracts the opposite sex, and because of this, she is slandered and called an evil woman. One day, Ninette and Til go to town on her stepmother's errand and get into some trouble.

      (natalie.mu translated).

  • Chapters:
      /{{ capitulos_totales }}
  • Volumes:
      /{{ volumenes_totales }}
      • Original title: Add
      • Gender: Drama, Fantasy, Josei, Romance
      • Authors: Saki ICHIBU, Saki ICHIBU, Saki ICHIBU, Saki ICHIBU Shiori HIROMOTO Shiori HIROMOTO, Shiori HIROMOTO, Shiori HIROMOTO
      • Publisher: Kill Time Communication Kill Time Communication, Kill Time Communication, Kill Time Communication
      • Alternative Title: Ikenie Akujo no Shiroi Kekkon, 生贄悪女の白い結婚, 生贄悪女の白い結婚~目覚めたら8年後、かつては護衛だった公爵様の溺愛に慣れません!~
      • Type:Series Status:Publishing
      • Editors: Add
      • Magazine: Comic Brise
      0 {{ cantidad_favoritos }} {{ paginacion.total_elementos }} {{ ranking }} 19
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    {{ ultima_critica.chapter!='1'?'Chapters read':'Capítulo leídoCapítulo leído' }}

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