Añadir a mi lista Leyendo Completado Quiero Leer En Pausa Abandonado Seleccionar (10) Perfecto (9) Excelente (8) Muy Bueno (7) Bueno (6) Decente (5) Regular (4) Mediocre (3) Malo (2) Muy Malo (1) Terrible (0) Nefasto Capítulos: /12 Volúmenes: /3 Actualizar Principal| Trabajos Relacionados| Personajes| Listas| Recomendación| Comentarios| Galería Akuyaku Reijou to Akuyaku Reisoku ga, Deatte Koi ni Ochitanara by Don HARUNA(Guión), Chiru UKAI(Dibujo) Fecha de Publicación: 2022 País: Japan Capítulos: 12 Volúmenes: 3 Tags Academy 1Assertive Male Lead 1Based on a Light Novel 1Based on a Web Novel 1Black-Haired Male Lead 1Blunt Male Lead 1Broken Engagement 1Bullied Female Lead 1Bullying 1Determined Female Lead 1European Ambience 1Female Bully 1Female Protagonist 1Golden/Yellow-Eyed Male Lead 1Green-Eyed Female Lead 1Green-Eyed Protagonist 1Hated Female Lead 1Hated Male Lead 1High Fantasy 1Love Interests Who Don't Get Along 1Magic 1Manipulative Antagonist/s 1Nobility/Aristocracy 1Otome Isekai 1Red-Haired Female Lead 1Red-Haired Protagonist 1Social Outcast/s 1Spirit/s 1Strong-Willed Female Lead 1Villainess/es 1
Principal Trabajos Relacionados Personajes Listas Recomendación Comentarios Galería Añadir a mi lista Akuyaku Reijou to Akuyaku Reisoku ga, Deatte Koi ni Ochitanara by Don HARUNA, Chiru UKAI Fecha de Publicación: 2022 País: Japan Capítulos: 12 Volúmenes: 3 Leyendo Completado Quiero Leer En Pausa Abandonado Seleccionar (10) Perfecto (9) Excelente (8) Muy Bueno (7) Bueno (6) Decente (5) Regular (4) Mediocre (3) Malo (2) Muy Malo (1) Terrible (0) Nefasto Capítulos: /12 Volúmenes: /3 Añadir Tags: Academy1 Assertive Male Lead1 Based on a Light Novel1 Based on a Web Novel1 Black-Haired Male Lead1 Blunt Male Lead1 Broken Engagement1 Bullied Female Lead1 Bullying1 Determined Female Lead1 European Ambience1 Female Bully1 Female Protagonist1 Golden/Yellow-Eyed Male Lead1 Green-Eyed Female Lead1 Green-Eyed Protagonist1 Hated Female Lead1 Hated Male Lead1 High Fantasy1 Love Interests Who Don't Get Along1 Magic1 Manipulative Antagonist/s1 Nobility/Aristocracy1 Otome Isekai1 Red-Haired Female Lead1 Red-Haired Protagonist1 Social Outcast/s1 Spirit/s1 Strong-Willed Female Lead1 Villainess/es1 +