40-sai, Cinderella Hajimemasu

{{ valor_estrellas }} / 10.0
40-sai, Cinderella Hajimemasu comic
Capítulos: /{{ capitulos_totales }}
Volúmenes: /{{ volumenes_totales }}


Official English

She thought,"Happiness won't come to a woman over 40." Getting married, having a child, having a successful career, falling in love... they were all things Riko Kasai had given up. Lost without a house or a job, the one who offered her a helping hand was a young, mysterious, and handsome company president, Kanata Nagai. Treated with luxuries, Riko couldn't help but find it suspicious, so she asked for the reason of his kindness. A love confession was definitely not what she was expecting to hear. "Because I love you." With those words, Kanata pushed her down and greedily devoured her lips...!!
  • Lectores:


  • Favoritos:

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  • Comentarios:

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  • Rating:

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  • Vistas:


      40-sai, Cinderella Hajimemasu comic
      • 40-sai, Cinderella Hajimemasu by Mao NAKASHIMA
        • Fecha de Publicación: 2022
        • País: Japan
        • Capítulos: 0 Volúmenes: 0
    • Sinopsis:

      Official English

      She thought,"Happiness won't come to a woman over 40." Getting married, having a child, having a successful career, falling in love... they were all things Riko Kasai had given up. Lost without a house or a job, the one who offered her a helping hand was a young, mysterious, and handsome company president, Kanata Nagai. Treated with luxuries, Riko couldn't help but find it suspicious, so she asked for the reason of his kindness. A love confession was definitely not what she was expecting to hear. "Because I love you." With those words, Kanata pushed her down and greedily devoured her lips...!!

  • Capítulos:
      /{{ capitulos_totales }}
  • Volúmenes:
      /{{ volumenes_totales }}
      • Título Original: Añadir
      • Género: Josei, Romance, Smut
      • Editoriales: Renta!, Renta!, Renta!, Renta! INKR, INKR, INKR, INKR FUNGUILD FUNGUILD, FUNGUILD, FUNGUILD
      • Título Alternativos: 40歳、シンデレラはじめます, Cinderella at 40
      • Tipo:Series Estado:Finalizado
      • Editores: Añadir
      • Revistas: Peace!
      0 {{ cantidad_favoritos }} {{ paginacion.total_elementos }} {{ ranking }} 50
        • {{ ultima_critica.addreview }}

          • {{ ultima_critica.fecha_creacion_corta }}
            • {{ ultima_critica.controlador==1?ultima_critica.cantidad_comic_usuario:ultima_critica.cantidad_animaciones_usuario }}
            • {{ ultima_critica.mgusta }}
  • {{ ultima_critica.usuario_creo_lista }}

    {{ ultima_critica.chapter }}

    {{ ultima_critica.chapter!='1'?'Capítulos leídos':'Capítulo leídoCapítulo leído' }}

    {{ ultima_critica.chapter!='1'?'Episodios vistos':'Episodio visto' }}

    {{ ultima_critica.fecha_creacion_corta }}

    {{ ultima_critica.addreview }}

    {{ ultima_critica.controlador==1?ultima_critica.cantidad_comic_usuario:ultima_critica.cantidad_animaciones_usuario }}

    {{ ultima_critica.mgusta }}

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