"Issho ni Netain desu yo ne, Senpai?" to Amaku Sasayakarete Konya mo Nemurenai

{{ valor_estrellas }} / 10.0
"Issho ni Netain desu yo ne, Senpai?" to Amaku Sasayakarete Konya mo Nemurenai comic
Capítulos: /{{ capitulos_totales }}
Volúmenes: /{{ volumenes_totales }}
  • "Issho ni Netain desu yo ne, Senpai?" to Amaku Sasayakarete Konya mo Nemurenai 


    Kiren IMORI, Mintarou


One day, Hanzaki Bakuya, a high school boy suffering from insomnia, meets a younger girl named Kobirimaki Kimitori, who is eating a delicious cup of yakisoba noodles in a park late at night. Then she says she will help Bakuya get a good night's sleep, and suddenly proposes that he come to her house!

"It's just like senpai to walk into a girl's room and suddenly take a smell of her scent."
"…Senpai. You're staring too much at my boobs."

And then, Kimitori-chan, who teases Bakuya whenever she gets the chance, whispers naughty words in his ear and spends a long night sleeping with him...! (MTL)
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      "Issho ni Netain desu yo ne, Senpai?" to Amaku Sasayakarete Konya mo Nemurenai comic
      • "Issho ni Netain desu yo ne, Senpai?" to Amaku Sasayakarete Konya mo Nemurenai by Kiren IMORI, Mintarou
        • Fecha de Publicación: 2023
        • País: Japan
        • Capítulos: 1 Volúmenes: 0
    • Sinopsis:

      One day, Hanzaki Bakuya, a high school boy suffering from insomnia, meets a younger girl named Kobirimaki Kimitori, who is eating a delicious cup of yakisoba noodles in a park late at night. Then she says she will help Bakuya get a good night's sleep, and suddenly proposes that he come to her house!

      "It's just like senpai to walk into a girl's room and suddenly take a smell of her scent."
      "…Senpai. You're staring too much at my boobs."

      And then, Kimitori-chan, who teases Bakuya whenever she gets the chance, whispers naughty words in his ear and spends a long night sleeping with him...! (MTL)

  • Capítulos:
      /{{ capitulos_totales }}
  • Volúmenes:
      /{{ volumenes_totales }}
      • Título Original: Añadir
      • Género: Comedia, Drama, Romance, Vida escolar, Shonen
      • Autores: Kiren IMORI, Kiren IMORI, Kiren IMORI, Kiren IMORI Mintarou Mintarou, Mintarou, Mintarou
      • Editoriales: Media Factory Media Factory, Media Factory, Media Factory
      • Título Alternativos: "You Want to Sleep With Me, Don't You, Senpai?" and She Whispered Sweetly, So I Can't Sleep Tonight Either, 「一緒に寝たいんですよね、せんぱい?」と甘くささやかれて今夜も眠れない
      • Tipo:Series Estado:Publicando
      • Editores: Añadir
      • Revistas: Comic Alive
      0 {{ cantidad_favoritos }} {{ paginacion.total_elementos }} {{ ranking }} 89
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    {{ ultima_critica.chapter }}

    {{ ultima_critica.chapter!='1'?'Capítulos leídos':'Capítulo leídoCapítulo leído' }}

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