The Glamorous Life of the Fake Mistress

{{ valor_estrellas }} / 10.0
The Glamorous Life of the Fake Mistress comic
Chapters: /{{ capitulos_totales }}
Volumes: /{{ volumenes_totales }}


In her past life, Duke Casis Esteban swept Sally off her feet and took her in as his mistress. However, she was living in a nightmare when Duchess Elysee Esteban plotted to ruin her life and turn all the nobles against her. Now, Sally has a second chance to turn the tables on the cold duke who used her to end his unhappy marriage. She agrees to be the duke’s mistress only in appearance. Meanwhile, Duke Esteban finds Sally’s intelligence impressive, and his alluring dreams of her have him wanting to drop the fictional part of their arrangement.

Original Novel:
R15: Naver Series, Kakaopage
R19: Ridibooks, Naver Series, Kakaopage

Original Webtoon:
R15: KakaoPage, Daum
R19: KakaoPage, Daum

Official Translations:
R15: English
    • Alternative Title: The Fake Mistress' Glamorous Daily Life, The Glamorous Daily Life of a Fake Mistress, The Splendid Daily Life Of A Fake Girlfriend, 偽りの愛妾として華麗に過ごします, 公爵愛妾的華麗人生, 가짜 애첩의 화려한 일상

    • Editors: Add

    • Magazine: KakaoPage, Kakao Webtoon

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        The Glamorous Life of the Fake Mistress comic
      • Synopsis:

        In her past life, Duke Casis Esteban swept Sally off her feet and took her in as his mistress. However, she was living in a nightmare when Duchess Elysee Esteban plotted to ruin her life and turn all the nobles against her. Now, Sally has a second chance to turn the tables on the cold duke who used her to end his unhappy marriage. She agrees to be the duke’s mistress only in appearance. Meanwhile, Duke Esteban finds Sally’s intelligence impressive, and his alluring dreams of her have him wanting to drop the fictional part of their arrangement.

        Original Novel:
        R15: Naver Series, Kakaopage
        R19: Ridibooks, Naver Series, Kakaopage

        Original Webtoon:
        R15: KakaoPage, Daum
        R19: KakaoPage, Daum

        Official Translations:
        R15: English

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