Ayakashi Kitsune no Kyoto Uramachi Annainin

{{ valor_estrellas }} / 10.0
Ayakashi Kitsune no Kyoto Uramachi Annainin comic
Chapters: /{{ capitulos_totales }}
Volumes: /{{ volumenes_totales }}
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This is Ura-Kyoto, I'm a fox★ Kaoru pretended to be a human and worked as an office worker, but she was sexually harassed on a crowded train, and even cheated on by her human boyfriend... "I will stop being a human and return to being a fox." !” She shouted, and returned to “Ura-Kyoto”, the true back of Kyoto where youkai live! When she is about to visit her grandmother, who lives in Ura-Kyoto, she is told by Haruhiko, an onmyoji whom she has met, that "her grandmother's house is sealed"...!? !!
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      Ayakashi Kitsune no Kyoto Uramachi Annainin comic
    • Synopsis:

      This is Ura-Kyoto, I'm a fox★ Kaoru pretended to be a human and worked as an office worker, but she was sexually harassed on a crowded train, and even cheated on by her human boyfriend... "I will stop being a human and return to being a fox." !” She shouted, and returned to “Ura-Kyoto”, the true back of Kyoto where youkai live! When she is about to visit her grandmother, who lives in Ura-Kyoto, she is told by Haruhiko, an onmyoji whom she has met, that "her grandmother's house is sealed"...!? !!

  • Chapters:
      /{{ capitulos_totales }}
  • Volumes:
      /{{ volumenes_totales }}
      • Original title: Add
      • Gender: Fantasy, Josei, Supernatural
      • Authors: Yuu HAZAMA, Yuu HAZAMA, Yuu HAZAMA, Yuu HAZAMA Haruki KUJOU Haruki KUJOU, Haruki KUJOU, Haruki KUJOU
      • Publisher: Alpha Polis Alpha Polis, Alpha Polis, Alpha Polis
      • Alternative Title: Ayakashi Fox's Guide to Kyoto's Backstreets, あやかし狐の京都裏町案内人
      • Type:Series Status:Publishing
      • Editors: Add
      • Magazine: Alpha Norn
      0 {{ cantidad_favoritos }} {{ paginacion.total_elementos }} {{ ranking }} 15
        • {{ ultima_critica.addreview }}

          • {{ ultima_critica.fecha_creacion_corta }}
            • {{ ultima_critica.controlador==1?ultima_critica.cantidad_comic_usuario:ultima_critica.cantidad_animaciones_usuario }}
            • {{ ultima_critica.mgusta }}
  • {{ ultima_critica.usuario_creo_lista }}

    {{ ultima_critica.chapter }}

    {{ ultima_critica.chapter!='1'?'Chapters read':'Capítulo leídoCapítulo leído' }}

    {{ ultima_critica.chapter!='1'?'Episodes watched':'Episode seen' }}

    {{ ultima_critica.fecha_creacion_corta }}

    {{ ultima_critica.addreview }}

    {{ ultima_critica.controlador==1?ultima_critica.cantidad_comic_usuario:ultima_critica.cantidad_animaciones_usuario }}

    {{ ultima_critica.mgusta }}

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