Batman/Catwoman: The Wedding Album: The Deluxe Edition

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Batman/Catwoman: The Wedding Album: The Deluxe Edition comic
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The day has finally arrived: the nuptials of Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle. But their road to wedded bliss won't be easy. With visitors from this time and beyond, the Bat and the Cat will have to undergo even more trials and tribulations before they walk down the aisle. The historic wedding of Batman and Catwoman is commemorated in this must-have collector's item, featuring never-before-seen photos from the wedding album, behind-the-scenes design sketches and variant covers. Written by the critically acclaimed Tom King, this edition celebrates one of the biggest milestones in DC history and features art by superstar artists Mikel Janín, David Finch, Joëlle Jones, Mitch Gerads, Lee Bermejo, Rafael Albuquerque, Neal Adams, Andy Kubert, Becky Cloonan, Ty Templeton, Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez, and more!Collects BATMAN #44 & 50.
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      Batman/Catwoman: The Wedding Album: The Deluxe Edition comic
    • Sinopsis:

      The day has finally arrived: the nuptials of Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle. But their road to wedded bliss won't be easy. With visitors from this time and beyond, the Bat and the Cat will have to undergo even more trials and tribulations before they walk down the aisle. The historic wedding of Batman and Catwoman is commemorated in this must-have collector's item, featuring never-before-seen photos from the wedding album, behind-the-scenes design sketches and variant covers. Written by the critically acclaimed Tom King, this edition celebrates one of the biggest milestones in DC history and features art by superstar artists Mikel Janín, David Finch, Joëlle Jones, Mitch Gerads, Lee Bermejo, Rafael Albuquerque, Neal Adams, Andy Kubert, Becky Cloonan, Ty Templeton, Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez, and more!Collects BATMAN #44 & 50.

  • Capítulos:
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  • Volúmenes:
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      • Título Original: Batman/Catwoman: The Wedding Album: The Deluxe Edition
      • Género: Acción, Aventura, Superhéroe
      • Autores: David Finch, David Finch, David Finch, David Finch Mikel Janin, Mikel Janin, Mikel Janin, Mikel Janin Tom King Tom King, Tom King, Tom King
      • Editoriales: DC Comics DC Comics, DC Comics, DC Comics
      • Título Alternativos: Añadir
      • Tipo:Series Estado:Finalizado
      • Editores: Añadir
      • Revistas: Añadir
      0 {{ cantidad_favoritos }} {{ paginacion.total_elementos }} {{ ranking }} 32
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