Rogue Trooper comic
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Rogue Trooper is a science fiction strip in the British comic 2000 AD, created by Gerry Finley-Day and Dave Gibbons in 1981. It follows the adventures of Rogue, a "Genetic Infantryman", a genetically created, blue-skinned, manufactured super soldier and his three comrades' search for the Traitor General. His comrades are in the form of biochips - onto which a G.I.'s entire personality is downloaded at the time of death for later retrieval - and are named Gunnar (mounted on Rogue's rifle), Bagman (on his backpack) and Helm (on his helmet).
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      Rogue Trooper comic
    • Sinopsis:

      Rogue Trooper is a science fiction strip in the British comic 2000 AD, created by Gerry Finley-Day and Dave Gibbons in 1981. It follows the adventures of Rogue, a "Genetic Infantryman", a genetically created, blue-skinned, manufactured super soldier and his three comrades' search for the Traitor General. His comrades are in the form of biochips - onto which a G.I.'s entire personality is downloaded at the time of death for later retrieval - and are named Gunnar (mounted on Rogue's rifle), Bagman (on his backpack) and Helm (on his helmet).

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